£56.00 – £68.00
A take on the timeless designs of W.E. Scott and Son geared towards the smaller gentleman! The same techniques, history and care are put in to these smaller sporrans for babies to young boys. The sporran comes in 7 sizes to cover everything from toddler to teenager. This is the most formal of the boys range with a bovine front and chrome hardware, perfect for any kilt wearing occasion.
All our sporran are hand made in Scotland the traditional way by William Scott and Son, from quality locally sourced materials. You can learn more about the artisan on the William Scott and Sons profile page.
If you'd like to discuss an order, or anything else, then please give us a ring, send us an email or chat to us:
We love meeting our customers so if you would like to visit us at our office, please get in touch and we can arrange an appointment.
Artisans of Scotland
4 Lady Lawson Street
Daysix Building
We believe the skill behind each of these products lies with the artisans and therefore they should get the credit. That’s why we tell their story and that’s why we always give them a fair price for their craft.
© 2025 Artisans of Scotland.
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